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Writer's pictureDelaney Firearms Training

Good-bye 2019 - Hello 2020

With 2019 coming to an end, I wanted to take a moment and look back at what was DFT’s first full year in business. God blessed us greatly in 2019. He blessed us with students, great people to learn from and a great support system. Thank you to Jim Lynch and his staff at Tactical & Defensive of Texas, Stephanie and Bos Bostwick and their staff at B-Tactical, as well as Randy Bryant with Avenger Firearms for your friendship, guidance and mentorship. I learned a lot this year in business and class management from you and your friendship means more to me than you’ll ever know. A HUGE THANK YOU goes to my wife Pamela Dunavan Delaney, my daughters Whitnie Rhame and Chelsea Schell for their support. Without their love and support I could not have done any of this. And it goes without saying a BIG THANK YOU goes to the good Lord above, who made all of this possible.

2019 brought our first Big D Young Marines Range Day. With the help of Jim Lynch and his staff at Tactical & Defensive of TX, Randy Bryant at Avenger Firearms and the members of the Big D Detachment of the Marine Corps League we were able to hold our first annual Big D Young Marines Range Day. This event was an absolute success because of their efforts and support. THANK YOU!

We attended the September 2019 Texas License to Carry certification course and obtained our certification to teach the Texas LTC course. Now we have our eyes on the School Safety instructor certification.

2019 brought 44 students to our classes, with most being repeat customers. It brought the opportunity to become a certified Texas License to Carry instructor and it brought the opportunity to learn from other instructors, gunsmiths and a great gun community.

2019 also brought our first logo change from just a 4-quadrant shield to one that includes our family crest, a patriotic spartan helmet, crossed rifles, and the motto - Semper Vigilo or Always Vigilant.

All in all, 2019 was a success and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in 2020. The 2020 schedule has been set, with the first quarter of classes being listed on our website ( See a class you’re interested in? Sign up. If you would like to ask about other training opportunities, i.e., private lessons, group classes, etc., give us a shout and let’s get something on the books for you. Thank You to everyone that helped DFT’s 1st full year in business a success. I look forward to seeing all of you on the range in 2020. Until next time remember, it’s your responsibility to be your own first responder. When seconds count, the police are minutes away. Head on a swivel and always vigilant.

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