During the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course, we cover everything from pistol knowledge and safe gun handling, ammunition knowledge and the fundamentals of pistol shooting, shooting positions and shooting qualifications (students will qualify during the course and will be informed at which level they qualified; Red – Level 1, White – Level 2 or Blue – Level 3). We will also cover scoring targets, selecting a firearm and maintaining a firearm, as well as continued opportunities for skill development. Upon completion of the course the student will be required to take a written exam and score 90% or better to successfully pass the course. Students that qualify at, at least Level 1, pass the written exam and display a willingness to learn and proper safe firearm handling skills will receive a certificate of completion. Please Note: The completion of the Basics of Pistol Shooting Course is required to apply for the NRA Pistol Instructor Course.
Items needed for the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course: Hearing and eye protection, a pistol or revolver, a minimum of 150 rounds of ammunition, pen and paper for note taking, a pistol cleaning kit, latex gloves, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.
Cost: $125 for an 8-hour course. Range fees, targets and student materials are included in the training fee. (Discounts available. Contact us for more information and to check discount eligibility)

During Defensive Handgun I we will introduce the student to shooting from behind cover from both the standing and kneeling positions, shooting with strong and off hands, tactical reloads, drawing and shooting with and without sites, as well as identifying their target and shot placement.
Items needed for Defensive Handgun: Hearing and eye protection, a pistol or revolver, a minimum of 350 rounds of ammunition, a minimum of two (2) magazines w/mag pouch or one (1) speed loader w/speed loader pouch and a holster for the pistol/revolver.
Cost: $200. Range fees and targets included in the training fee. (Discounts available. Contact us for more information and to check discount eligibility).

During Defensive Handgun II we will introduce the student to shooting on the move, shot placement on the move, tactical reloads, use of cover during reloads, getting off the “X”, as well as shooting from the standing position, while walking and transitioning from walking to kneeling, kneeling to standing and kneeling to walking.
Items needed for Defensive Handgun: Hearing and eye protection, a pistol or revolver, a minimum of 550 rounds of ammunition, a minimum of three (3) magazines w/mag pouch or two (2) speed loaders w/speed loader pouch and a holster for the pistol/revolver.
Cost: $200. Range fees and targets included in the training fee. (Discounts are available. Contact us for more information and to check discount eligibility).

The one on one personal instruction includes, but is not limited to:
Introduction to the 4 Safety Rules of firearms
Introduction to proper pistol/revolver handling
Identification of the student’s dominant eye
Determine the best and most stable shooting stance for the student
Proper body alignment to the target
Dry fire practice
Live fire exercise
How to break down and clean a pistol/revolver (If requested by the student shooter)
Items needed for personal instruction: Hearing and eye protection, a pistol or revolver, a minimum of 100 rounds of ammunition, a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. A pistol cleaning kit and latex gloves will be needed if the student requests assistance breaking down and cleaning their pistol/revolver.
Cost: $80. Range fees and targets are included in the training fee. Pistol rental, if available at the range, and ammunition is at the expense of the student.

During the Texas License to Carry class, we will cover the state rules, regulations and laws regarding both open and concealed carry within the State of Texas. We will discuss reciprocity with other states, as well as the proper care, maintenance and storage of firearms. Students will be required to take and pass a written exam with a minimum score of 70%, as well as qualify with their handgun with a minimum score of 175 out of 250.
Items needed: Hearing and eye protection, a pistol or revolver and a minimum of 50 rounds of ammunition. Handguns must be at least .22 caliber.
Cost: $50 per shooter, $75 per couple.